

Our Parish > Volunteering


Our Parish has volunteering opportunities to empower our parishioners to actively serve as the living hands and feet of Christ to the community.

Volunteer Opportunity #3

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Volunteer about Volunteer Opportunity #3

Volunteer Opportunity #2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.

Volunteer about Volunteer Opportunity #2

Volunteer Opportunity #1

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Volunteer about Volunteer Opportunity #1

Volunteer Portal

The Archdiocese offers numerous opportunities for individuals to participate in the growing opportunity and need for the involvement of the lay people in the life of the local church.

The volunteer opportunities range from memberships on councils, working groups and planning committees or joining care and concern groups or liturgy and music groups at your local parish.

If you would like to register your interest for volunteer positions on Archdiocesan councils and commissions, please see the Volunteer Register website.


Your Generosity. Our Mission.

One of the greatest contributions you can make to the mission of the Church is to leave your own legacy of faith for future generations. A gift in your will, no matter how big or small, is one way you can personally advance your faith and the work of the parish.

Parish Office

Tue-Fri from 9.00 AM to 3.00 PM

Parish Priest: Fr Rafal Rucinski
Parish Secretary: September Morn Gorospe


3265 3977

194 Handford Road, Zillmere, Qld, Australia
PO Box 214, Zillmere, Qld 4034
