EcoWinners Club

EcoWinners Club - St Flannan's Catholic Parish, Zillmere

Tickets cost $260 ($5/week). Ticket Payments can be made with a credit card via the Eco-Winners Payment link on the Donations page of this website.  Submit the application form together with the receipt to the parish office. Participation for 2024 is now fully subscribed.

In 2023/2024, after expenses, 60% of the money from ticket sales will go towards projects with an environmental benefit to the parish and 40% given away as prizes. The project for 2023/2024 is the installation of solar roof vents and whirlybird vents to help cool the Church.

The project for 2021/2022 and 2022/2023,  contributed to the renovation of the wooden church pews. Funds raised for the project were $6,220.

The 2020/2021 projects provided solar panels for the parish presbytery, and a overhead screen for the parish centre. These projects not only provided a financial benefit to the parish, but also a benefit to the environment.

For further information, email sj******@ho*****.com or contact the Parish Office.

Application Form for EcoWinners Club 2024/2025


Your Generosity. Our Mission.

One of the greatest contributions you can make to the mission of the Church is to leave your own legacy of faith for future generations. A gift in your will, no matter how big or small, is one way you can personally advance your faith and the work of the parish.

Parish Office

Tue-Fri from 9.00 AM to 3.00 PM

Parish Priest: Fr Rafal Rucinski
Parish Secretary: September Morn Gorospe


3265 3977

194 Handford Road, Zillmere, Qld, Australia
PO Box 214, Zillmere, Qld 4034