St. Flannan's Catholic Parish


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Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Two-Minute Homily: Fr Fadi Salame

Jul 11, 2024

Two-Minute Homily by Fr Fadi Salame for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024. “The essence of the Christian message is clear, prayer first, asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, then go forth to proclaim the gospel without fear.”...

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Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Two-Minute Homily: Fr William Aupito Iuliano

Jul 4, 2024

Two-Minute Homily by Fr William Aupito Iuliano for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024. “Although we might feel afraid, may we step forward in faith and realise it's the Lord who changes us, and makes us into the people he desires for us...

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Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Two-Minute Homily: Fr Josh Whitehead

Jun 24, 2024

Two-Minute Homily by Fr Josh Whitehead for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024. “We have power to mediate God's life and love to others who are struggling with the darkness… It is the responsibility of every baptised to actively accompany...

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Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Two-Minute Homily: Fr Jacob Kalu

Jun 20, 2024

Two-Minute Homily by Fr Jacob Kalu for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024. “If we feel that Jesus is sleeping, are we comfortable enough to wake Jesus and present him with our needs?” The post Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time –...

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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Two-Minute Homily: Fr Anthony Mellor

Jun 13, 2024

Two-Minute Homily by Fr Anthony Mellor for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024. “The way Jesus tells it, faith is about openness to growth, openness to the unexpected, openness to a harvest that is not our work but about what God desires for...

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Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Two-Minute Homily: Fr Emmanuel Ayankudy

Jun 6, 2024

Two-Minute Homily by Fr Emmanuel Ayankudy for the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024. “The challenges we face in this world may seem overwhelming, but our hope and trust in God sustains us.” The post Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time –...

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Feast of Corpus Christi - Two-Minute Homily: Fr Adrian Farrelly

May 30, 2024

Two-Minute Homily by Fr Adrian Farrelly for the Feast of Corpus Christi 2024 (The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ). “At Eucharist, in communion, we literally believe as we eat the bread and drink the cup, we take our Lord into ourselves.”...

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Feast of the Most Holy Trinity - Two-Minute Homily: Fr Morgan Batt

May 23, 2024

Two-Minute Homily by Fr Morgan Batt for the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity 2024. “Jesus says, I promise to be with you to the end of time. What does that mean? Emmanuel, God With Us, promises to be with us.” The post Feast of the Most Holy...

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Pentecost Sunday - Two-Minute Homily: Fr Jack Ho

May 16, 2024

Two-Minute Homily by Fr Jack Ho for Pentecost Sunday 2024. “Today, we pray that, already filled with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, we may go out to proclaim that peace into a world that is in so much need of it.” The post Pentecost Sunday...

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The Ascension of the Lord - Two-Minute Homily: Fr Ihemelandu Uzuegbu

May 8, 2024

Two-Minute Homily by Fr Ihemelandu Uzuegbu for the The Ascension of the Lord 2024. “The Ascension of the Lord is not the departure of Jesus from us, rather it must be seen as a new presence of Jesus among us.” The post The Ascension of the...

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Parish Office

Tue-Fri from 9.00 AM to 3.00 PM

Parish Priest: Fr Rafal Rucinski
Parish Secretary: September Morn Gorospe


3265 3977

194 Handford Road, Zillmere, Qld, Australia
PO Box 214, Zillmere, Qld 4034

[email protected]